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1001 Things Every Graduate Should Know

Thomas Nelson

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Think final exams are stressful? Wait until you graduate. Then you'll know stress. Transforming yourself from a high school senior to a college freshman is stressful enough to cause heart palpitations. Going straight to full-time employment will have you living on Excedrin.

You many think you're ready to blow out of the hosue, but you're not ready for what awaits. You need to learn a few things. Well, maybe a thousand or so things. The fact is, 50 percent of high school graduates who leave home come back sooner or later without a degree, and weighted down by heftly credit-card balances.

So start here. 1001 Things Every Graduate Should Know is jarringly honest, cliché-free, and bitingly funny. A lot like life. Don't leave high school without it.

Harry H. Harrison Jr.