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The CEB Storytellers Bible

Common English Bible

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The Bible is our story. Help tell it.

Stories convey truths through plot, character, and point of view. Nowhere is that more true than in the Bible. Jesus and the prophets taught through story, and The CEB Storytellers Bible helps readers see the big themes and important truths of the Bible while also guiding them in how to tell these stories in contemporary language.

The supplementary material in this Bible comes from the acclaimed Storyteller’s Companion to the Bible, which Madeleine L’Engle endorsed: “In a day when unquestioning literalism is on the increase, it is a delight to receive a book that takes biblical storytelling seriously and gloriously! The writers and editors are indeed to be commended for their willingness to understand biblical imagination and narrative richness. This book should be a real mindstretcher and encourage many people to return to the Bible with newly opened eyes."

Key Features
• Articles about reading and telling Bible stories.
• Extensive commentary on all the best-known (and many of the less common) stories of the Bible.
• Midrashim by rabbis and commentary by early Christian Fathers.
• Learn to tell Bible stories to make them come alive for listeners.
• Improve sermons with better storytelling and with better understanding of the Bible’s stories.
