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Companions on the Episcopal Way (Church’s Teachings for a Changing World: Volume 9)

Church Publishing

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The New Church’s Teachings was one of the most recognizable and useful book series in the Episcopal Church. The books were a mainstay on seminarian and clergy bookshelves. With this launch of the Church’s Teachings for a Changing World series, two visionary Episcopal thinkers and church leaders team up to revitalize the currency, integrity, and scholarship of the original series with fresh new voices and style; concise and clear enough for newcomers, yet grounded and thoughtful enough for seminarians and leaders.

Eric Law and Stephanie Spellers conclude the series with a dynamic conversation about faith, dialogue, and the generous give-and-take that makes Episcopal life possible. They interview the series' authors and provide summaries of each volume: history, theology, contemporary society, ethics, practice of ministry, Bible, and worship. Then they invite readers to expand the faith conversation: with self, with neighbor, with the "enemy," and ultimately with God.

The series features nine books. The introductory book, The Episcopal Way (Volume 1), and a summary book, Companions on the Episcopal Way (Volume 9), with seven books in between which cover seven topics:

  1. Scripture - A Word to Live By (Volume 7)
  2. Church History - The Episcopal Story: Birth and Rebirth (Volume 2)
  3. Theology - A Faith for the Future (Volume 3)
  4. Ethics - Formed by Love (Volume 5)
  5. Contemporary Society -Church Meets World (Volume 4)
  6. Worship - Gathered for God (Volume 8)
  7. Practice of Ministry - Following the Way of Jesus (Volume 6)

- The next generation of the classic New Church’s Teaching Series
- Updated content and approach, compared to earlier New Church’s Teachings series, with emphasis on mission and applicability
- Jargon-free language
- Accessible and engaging for newcomers and adult learners; appropriate content for church leaders and seminarians
- Interactive study questions and exercises and accompanied by online materials


Eric H. F. Law and Stephanie Spellers